Sunday, November 15, 2015

French Vanilla Ice Cream (from Betty Crocker 1980)

for Grandma N____'s ice cream freezer (4 qts. ice cream)

4 cups milk
2 cups sugar
1 tsp. salt
12 egg yoks, beaten
4 Tbsp. vanilla
8 cups chilled whipping cream

Mix milk, sugar, salt, and egg yolks in saucepan.  Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, just until bubbles appear around edge.  Cool to room temperature.  Stir in vanilla and whipping cream.

Pour into freezer can; put dasher in place.  Cover and adjust crank.  Place can in freezer tub.  Fill freezer tub 1/3 full of ice;  add remaining ice alternately with layers of rock salt (6 parts ice to 1 part rock salt).  Turn crank until it turns with difficulty.  Drain water from freezer tub.  Remove lid; take out dasher.  Pack mixture down; replace lid.  Repack in ice and rock salt.  Let stand to ripen several hours.

Makes 4 quarts of ice cream.

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